Sustainable Practices Improving the University Campus: Feasibility of A Photovoltaic System


  • Jandira Menezes Postgraduate Program in Technologies for Sustainable Development, CAP, Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil
  • J.C. Cury Postgraduate Program in Technologies for Sustainable Development, CAP, Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil; Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Food and Nutrition Sciences, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
  • L.M. Souza Department of Exact and Biological Sciences, CSL, Federal University of São João del-Rei, Brazil



Sustainability, Electricity, Photovoltaic, Conservation, University


This article aimed to discuss the principles of sustainability applied to the built environment, highlighting the importance of universities as replicators of these practices. To respond to a demand from the campus for more security in the energy supply, the work proposes the implementation of a solar photovoltaic energy system. For this, it carried out an economic viability analysis through bibliographic review activities, characterization of the study area, dimensioning of photovoltaic systems, budgets, cost analysis and payback calculation. The research evaluated the system’s implementation considering two energy demands, for the entire campus and for a smaller building. It was found that the CSL-UFSJ consumes, on average, 27,300.38 kWh, at a cost of US$ 2,736. Thus, an annual savings of US$ 32,833 is calculated. The cost estimate analyzes showed a value of US$ 139,784 for the implementation of the system. The return on investment time was  calculated for 4.3 and 4.9 years considering simple and discounted Payback respectively.It is estimated that the consumption of the DECEB building is 13,187.1 kWh with a cost of US$ 1,322 per month, which results in an annual savings of US$ 15,860. The cost estimate analyzes showed a value of US$ 40.601 for the implementation of the system and values of 4.3 and 4.9 years were obtained as return on investment time considering the calculations for simple and discounted Payback, respectively. The research demonstrates that the implementation of the photovoltaic solar energy generation system is feasible for both cases analyzed. 


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How to Cite

Menezes, J., Cury, J. ., & Souza, L. . (2021). Sustainable Practices Improving the University Campus: Feasibility of A Photovoltaic System. Journal of Chemistry, Environmental Sciences and Its Applications, 7(2), 43–53.


